服務項目 Our Service
廣告媒體 Location-based Medium
區域性媒體於商圈內輔助/加強宣傳或解決DM無法接觸特的消費群以吸引更多消費者入店消費宣傳車規劃執行/戶外看規劃執行/公車車體廣告規劃執行/webpagebannere-DM設計/location-based SMS (區域性手機簡訊)寄發
葵太佶不僅執行更提供策略的商圈佈點規劃。此外,因應國際趨勢及科技發展,葵太佶不斷在Mobile Marketing的研究及執行面上精進
We apply supporting medium to enforce communication or reach the specific groups that cannot be reached by normal DM delivery in order to attract more consumers to come to the stores. The medium include announcement car, outdoor billboard, bus panel, webpage design/ e-DM design/ banner design and location-based SMS delivery. Creatage not only conduct implementation, but also strategy planning as well.